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Friday, May 3, 2013

60-Day Challenge Starts Today!

 Alright, so, Mo and I are starting a 60-Day Challenge today in the group "Fit N Fabulous Females" on Facebook.  I was thinking, there's not reason we can't carry that over to the blog if you would like!  Post your weight and measurements today and get started!! Then every two weeks, we'll weigh-in/measure again.  The end of the 60 days is July 1st.  So, on July 1st, the winner is the biggest weight and inches lost.  Sound like a plan?
The reason that these challenges work is because who doesn't like a little competition?  Plus, no one is going to judge you!!  We're here to help and to movtivate!  Maybe in 2 weeks you don't lose any weight and very little in inches.  That can be super discouraging and cause you to want to give up, well, if we're all in it together, then we can help motivate you, talk about what's going on!  Maybe you're not pushing hard enough, maybe you're not eating enough, or maybe things just aren't computing, and a trip to the doctor might be necessary.
Speaking of that...quick side note.  I will be heading to the doctor in a few weeks to have some blood testing completed.  I used my HRM to see how much I burned during a night of sleep on my rest day (so, no working out to push up my resting heart rate), and I burned 350 calories in just shy of 8 hours.  Multiple each by 3, and that is 1050 calories burned in 24 hours.  That's just a normal day.  Now, I understand why the weight wasn't falling off of me before I started the diet, but now?!  I'm burning enough calories to be in a deficit most days, and I've only lost like 4 pounds.  That just does not compute.  James and I discussed it in depth last night.  I've been thinking I may have a thyroid issue for a while now, so I really want to get it checked out.  And, hey, maybe it isn't thyroid, but it's a hormonal problem.  I mean, since moving out here, I've had pretty horrible adult acne kick in and the weight gain was it could EASILY be a hormonal issue., you can see that when things aren't working, and they should be, it's nice to have someone to discuss the issue with.  I'm glad that when I talked to James about it, he didn't make me feel crazy or like I was reaching.  Mostly, because it's not a reach, and it may not be a reach for any of you either, but until you really start keeping track of these things, you would never know.
So....who's in?!

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