Authors' Losses

MadisonG's Tracker - Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

CallieM's Tracker - Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Be a Woman!

Don't sit back and judge other ladies.  Don't be envious of their bodies, and don't let their bodies make you feel badly about yours.  Be a woman!  See other women, and congratulate them on their hard work.  The only woman you should be competing with is YOURSELF!  Be the best you that you can be, and empower other women to be the best women they can be!  Work hard, get results!

Cool things you get to play with when you're into fitness

You know its serious when you spend an entire days pay on a fancy HRM (Heart Rate Monitor).

Legit though I'm totally excited about this gadget. My coach absolutely swears by it, and I can't say I haven't been jones-ing for it since she flashed it to me on facebook.

BodyMediaFit. You wear it all day. It tracks a crazy amount of stuff like calories burned, your goals for workouts, food intake, and how well you sleep.

I cannot wait for this little bugger to come in. I know I left out a bunch of awesome features like the charts and logging of everything that goes straight to you account accessable via phone, or computer. The body temperature monitoring and how it tracks you all day long, so I have attached a link in case anyone else is interested!

I'm so stoked for how this is going to change how I track and count everything, and how it's going to help me to push! A review on the product to follow once I get it and make it a part of my life!

Monday, April 29, 2013

90 Day Challenge

I've struggled with my weight pretty much my entire life. I've always been a little heavier than most of my friends. Both my parents and my younger sister were blessed with the high metabolism/athletic builds. Me? I got boobs, ass, and legs, and pretty much not athletic ability whatsoever.

At 23 I stepped on the scale for the first time in years around mid January and was absolutely floored by the number I saw.

I can't say I just all of a sudden became determined to change because that's a lie, it was kind of a perfect storm of things that happened. My boyfriend of 6 years introduced me to a friend of his from middle school he'd happened to keep in touch wtih over the years of moving and changing schools, and she and I became instant friends. When I started to explain to her my struggles with my weight it came to light I was exactly where she was 5 years ago. Same size, same age, same eating habits, same level of self confidence. It was her, and long hard talk with my boyfriend that helped me decide that now was the time. Now, or never.

With Sarah as my coach, the beachbody program TurboFire, a complete 180 in my food choices, and unlimited support through facebook I have completely changed my life.

In 90 days I've lost 28lbs, and 26 inches off my body. That's almost an inch per pound! And this is with moderate effort, because I can't profess I gave it my all every single day. I had horrible days, weeks, and the month of March just completely destroyed me, but that's all beside the point because I made it. I perservered. I didn't get discouraged. I reached out to my support system and they helped me stay on track.

I'm not going to lie and say it was simple, it was freaking hard. But its do-able. This lifestyle isn't impossible. My relationship with food is 100% different. My mindset is 200% different, and my body is feeling and showing the results!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Calories Burned Per Workout

Ok, so I'm going to keep this post and update it with each workout.  Now that I have my HRM, and it's working, I'll be able to see exactly how many calories I burn each 30 minutes spent with Ms. Michaels.

Week 1 -
Monday - Workout 1
Tuesday - Workout 2
Wednesday - Cardio 1
Thursday - Workout 1 - 466 Calories Burned!
Friday - Workout 2 -
Saturday - Cardio 1 - 441 Calories Burned!
Sunday - Rest

I didn't have the HRM until Saturday, and with opposite work schedules, I didn't get all my workouts in.  I did workout 1 on Monday without tracking and workout 2 on Wednesday without tracking, cardio 1 and workout 1 both on Saturday and that is what was recorded.  Week 2's schedule should allow me to work out as planned.  HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE, PEOPLE!!  =)

Week 2 -
Monday - Workout 1 - 471 Calories Burned!
Tuesday - Workout 2 - 495 Calories Burned! - Would have been more if the HRM would have been working from the get go, but I had to re-wet the pads a few times.  =/
Wednesday - Cardio 1 - GOAL - 500 Calories, that would be 59 more calories than Saturday!  I can do it!
Thursday - Workout 1 -
Friday - Workout 2 -
Saturday - Cardio 1 -
Sunday - Rest

Week 3 -
Monday - Workout 3 -
Tuesday - Workout 4 -
Wednesday - Cardio 1 -
Thursday - Workout 3 -
Friday - Workout 4 -
Saturday - Cardio 1 -
Sunday - Rest

Week 4 -
Monday - Workout 3 -
Tuesday - Workout 4 -
Wednesday - Cardio 1 -
Thursday - Workout 3 -
Friday - Workout 4 -
Saturday - Cardio 1 -
Sunday - Rest - END OF PHASE 1

Week 5 -
Monday - Workout 5 -
Tuesday - Workout 6 -
Wednesday - Cardio 2 -
Thursday - Workout 5 -
Friday - Workout 6 -
Saturday - Cardio 2 -
Sunday - Rest

Week 6 -
Monday - Workout 5 -
Tuesday - Workout 6 -
Wednesday - Cardio 2 -
Thursday - Workout 5 -
Friday - Workout 6 -
Saturday - Cardio 2 -
Sunday - Rest

Week 7 -
Monday - Workout 7 -
Tuesday - Workout 8 -
Wednesday - Cardio 2 -
Thursday - Workout 7 -
Friday - Workout 8 -
Saturday - Cardio 2 -
Sunday - Rest

Week 8 -
Monday - Workout 7 -
Tuesday - Workout 8 -
Wednesday - Cardio 2 -
Thursday - Workout 7 -
Friday - Workout 8 -
Saturday - Cardio 2 -
Sunday - Rest - END OF PHASE 2

Week 9 -
Monday - Workout 9 -
Tuesday - Workout 10 -
Wednesday - Cardio 3 -
Thursday - Workout 9 -
Friday - Workout 10 -
Saturday - Cardio 3 -
Sunday - Rest

Week 10 -
Monday - Workout 9 -
Tuesday - Workout 10 -
Wednesday - Cardio 3 -
Thursday - Workout 9 -
Friday - Workout 10 -
Saturday - Cardio 3 -
Sunday - Rest

Week 11 -
Monday - Workout 11 -
Tuesday - Workout 12 -
Wednesday - Cardio 3 -
Thursday - Workout 11 -
Friday - Workout 12 -
Saturday - Cardio 3 -
Sunday - Rest

Week 12 -
Monday - Workout 11 -
Tuesday - Workout 12 -
Wednesday - Cardio 3 -
Thursday - Workout 11 -
Friday - Workout 12 -
Saturday - Cardio 3 -
Sunday - Rest - END OF PHASE 3 and 90-DAY PROGRAM!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday 15 days to Goal 1

I am sitting at 159.  That is down .8 lb from yesterday, so I suppose that means I'm back in it, but that it is time to PUSH!  I do have a heart rate monitor now, that I will be using religiously to track calories burned.  I also need to get back to measuring, weighing and tracking all my food.  I think I can drop another 10 lbs which would put me only 4 lbs away from my goal.  I would consider that a win...especially since I took about a week off because I pulled my bicep, and it made it very difficult to keep up with Jillian's program.

Even though I'm only down 2 lbs since my last weigh-in, I am down another 3.25 total inches which brings me to a total of 13.50 total inches in just 7 weeks!  That's pretty awesome!  I hope to be down some more by my next weigh in which will be May 8th.  That will be 60 days since I started my diet and 30 days since I started my Jillian Program.  I should also include that Jillian's program is going to be more like a 104-Day program.  I tried to do the 3rd workout, and it was next to impossible for me, so I decided to start the program from the 1st workout, again.  Workouts should be hard, but they shouldn't be a struggle.  Struggling through a workout can not only cause injury, but you really don't get as much out of it as you should be.  If you don't have proper form because you simply don't have the strength to perform properly, that's not going to do much for you.  SO, anyway, back to the beginning to build up my strength before moving on.

In case you were thinking, "Third workout?!  I thought she said she's been doing this for a few weeks?!"  Here is how Jillian's Program is set up:

Week 1 -
Monday - Workout 1
Tuesday - Workout 2
Wednesday - Cardio 1
Thursday - Workout 1
Friday - Workout 2
Saturday - Cardio 1
Sunday - Rest

Week 2 -
Monday - Workout 1
Tuesday - Workout 2
Wednesday - Cardio 1
Thursday - Workout 1
Friday - Workout 2
Saturday - Cardio 1
Sunday - Rest

Week 3 -
Monday - Workout 3
Tuesday - Workout 4
Wednesday - Cardio 1
Thursday - Workout 3
Friday - Workout 4
Saturday - Cardio 1
Sunday - Rest

Week 4 -
Monday - Workout 3
Tuesday - Workout 4
Wednesday - Cardio 1
Thursday - Workout 3
Friday - Workout 4
Saturday - Cardio 1
Sunday - Rest - END OF PHASE 1

Week 5 -
Monday - Workout 5
Tuesday - Workout 6
Wednesday - Cardio 2
Thursday - Workout 5
Friday - Workout 6
Saturday - Cardio 2
Sunday - Rest

Week 6 -
Monday - Workout 5
Tuesday - Workout 6
Wednesday - Cardio 2
Thursday - Workout 5
Friday - Workout 6
Saturday - Cardio 2
Sunday - Rest

Week 7 -
Monday - Workout 7
Tuesday - Workout 8
Wednesday - Cardio 2
Thursday - Workout 7
Friday - Workout 8
Saturday - Cardio 2
Sunday - Rest

Week 8 -
Monday - Workout 7
Tuesday - Workout 8
Wednesday - Cardio 2
Thursday - Workout 7
Friday - Workout 8
Saturday - Cardio 2
Sunday - Rest - END OF PHASE 2

Week 9 -
Monday - Workout 9
Tuesday - Workout 10
Wednesday - Cardio 3
Thursday - Workout 9
Friday - Workout 10
Saturday - Cardio 3
Sunday - Rest

Week 10 -
Monday - Workout 9
Tuesday - Workout 10
Wednesday - Cardio 3
Thursday - Workout 9
Friday - Workout 10
Saturday - Cardio 3
Sunday - Rest

Week 11 -
Monday - Workout 11
Tuesday - Workout 12
Wednesday - Cardio 3
Thursday - Workout 11
Friday - Workout 12
Saturday - Cardio 3
Sunday - Rest

Week 12 -
Monday - Workout 11
Tuesday - Workout 12
Wednesday - Cardio 3
Thursday - Workout 11
Friday - Workout 12
Saturday - Cardio 3
Sunday - Rest - END OF PHASE 3 and 90-DAY PROGRAM!

I know it seems like a lot, but each workout is only 30 minutes, so there's no reason you can't make time.  And when you're in it...they go by SO quickly!  I'll be tracking my calories burned starting today, so I'll update this with how many calories I burn in each session to give you guys a better idea of just HOW AWESOME her program is.

And, just because I've ALWAYS hated my arms (I mean always, I think there was one time in my life that I wore a tank top out without a cardigan...I'm 28), so I've been adding THIS 10-minute arm toning workout to my program 3 times a week.  Seriously...TEN MINUTES!!!  That's all it takes, and your arms will be burning!!!  Actually, they'll be burning about 3 minutes in, and don't stop until about 5 minutes after you've put down the weights.  If you have strong arms, stick with the 5s and 3s like they suggest.  If you're just starting out...stick with the 3s until you can make through the entire 10 minutes without having to rest or slow down.  I thought I could handle it, and since I don't have 5s...I did 8s and 3s.  Bad idea.  That is how I pulled my bicep, and it set me back almost an entire week, and kept me from hitting my goal.  =/  But seriously, THIS workout is NO JOKE!!!!  I absolutely love it!  When I mix it in with Jillian's shoulder work, well, let's just see, I'm seeing some results, and that makes me happier than anything!!!

I'm so happy to be back on track.  And I'm glad that I blogged today.  I was feeling down because I knew that I had made attainable goals, and I wasn't going to reach them, but this blog helped me put it into perspective.  Ten pounds isn't a TON of weight to lose, and I know I can do that!  AND losing 10 lbs will put me within 4 lbs of my goal!!  That is totally acceptable, and keep my goal attainable.  I feel so good about that, and because I feel good, that means I'll get my workout in today, I'll give it 110%, and I won't cheat (like I was feeling like maybe I wanted to do today).  Lots of chicken and broccoli in my future, and I'm totally ok with that!  =)

Keep working hard, and don't give up!  You will get what you give.  You will see results.  You will knock down barriers.  You will achieve your goals.  You will do it all because you are stronger than you ever thought you were.

Now go eat a healthy meal and workout!  =D

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday - 31 Days to Goal 1

So, I weighed in this morning at 161.6.  =/

I cheated a little bit yesterday with some crackers in the morning and a piece of bread last night.  Obviously, this just goes to show that my body REALLY can't metabolize carbs yet.  Even though I am working out more now, it's just not enough.  Time to really get down to it, and no more cheating!  Not even a little because it is going to show on the scale, and make it impossible to hit my first goal.  Now, I know that it's not supposed to be about the number on the scale but about how my clothes fit and how I feel.  Well, I definitely feel better, and my clothes are starting to sag a little bit, but I'm not really near the point of needing to buy new clothes yet, or even fitting into the clothes that I fit into a few years ago and haven't gotten rid of yet because I knew the day was going to come when I made the change and was going to need smaller sizes.  For me, it is most important right now to lose the fat.  Even if I was stronger and more fit, I don't intend for the number on the scale to EVER be above 140 ever again.

What makes me happiest right now is that I know the inches are coming off.  After measuring on Monday and seeing that I was down 10.25 total inches, well, that was awesome for me.  I can also see some definition lines coming in on my arms and my back and my legs.  Talk about motivation!! 

I'm only 10 days in, and today is cardio day, which I don't love with Jillian, and I couldn't be happier that it's only 30 minutes.  Knowing that I'm up a pound, well, that is going to force me to go 150% today, and totally crush it.

I know that I can do this.  I have the willpower and I have finally found the motivation, so now is the time.  I really don't want to be in jeans all Summer again.  I do intend to add daily (or every other day if the doggies pads can't handle every day) walks into the mix as soon as it warms up again, and that will definitely help.  Just that little extra bit of cardio does a body good.

No more cheats (no more how small) and adding a little extra to the workout.  Going to hit my goal!  16.6 to 21.6 pounds to go, 31 days to do it!  There is absolutely no reason this can't be achieved!!

If anyone is interested in purchasing Jillian's workout, I highly recommend it.  It's just like every other 90-Day program, except that it is low impact at first.  It allows you to ease into things instead of pushing you so hard from the beginning that it is hard to commit because you don't feel like you're good enough, strong enough or capable enough.  She talks you through it all, and motivates you.  She lets you know that it's OK if you can't do more just yet because she knows you'll get there.  She wants you to push it as hard as you can, add more weight, add plyo, make it more difficult and really challenge yourself, but she doesn't make you feel badly if you can't, and she reassures you that it is a 90-day program, and you'll get there.  I think that's what I'm most looking forward to.  Being able to complete a workout using all the highest difficulty modifications, and if I don't get there in 90-days, I can just start the entire 90 days over again, and increase the difficulty until I do get there.  The program is 120 bucks, and worth every single penny.  If you don't want to drop that much money right out the gate, you can do a payment plan.  You can have her program in your home for just 45 bucks, and get started.

If you want to try a few of her workouts before you buy, let me know, and I'd be happy to switch my workout time to a time that would work for you (as long as I'm not at work) and Skype the workout.  Meaning, we'd call each other up, and when it's time to work out, I'll point the computer and the tv, and we can work out together.  Great way to make sure this is a program that you think will work for you, and a great way to sort of have a workout buddy.

Here's the link to Jillian's Total Body Revolution.  Definitely check it out!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Healthy Sweets!

So, I LOVE sweets.  It's kind of a downfall when you're trying to lose weight.  But I found this website through Pinterest months ago, and I love it!  I made these blondies last night, and they are so delish!  I think I'm going to work with it even more to see if I can cut out the brown sugar without using splenda.  I kind of want to stay away from artificial sweeteners and find natural sugars.  Better for the diet, and better for my long term health.  I also used no sugar added applesauce instead of peanut butter, and I used unsweetened carob chips instead of chocolate chips (these are SUPER amazing, b t dubs)  Be sure to check out more of her recipes!  I'm making the fudge next!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Feelin' Good, Baby! =D

So, I started dieting on March 8th, and am 8 days in to my 90-day program. I'm down 14 lbs and 10.25 inches! No cheating, work harder. 15-20 lbs to go in 31 days, and I will have achieved my first goal! Definitely feeling good!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Follow these on Instagram IMMEDIATELY!!!

So, I started to find that using a few hashtags in my juicing post today led to me to some WONDERFUL people/groups to follow.  The first one is @igfitnessinspiration.  They follow all sorts of people that work out and post photos of their workouts and results they've achieved plus other inspirational quotes, etc.  Super awesome.  Love them.

Next, @thejuiceinators.  They post sorts of awesome juicing recipes, which is badass because I just started juicing and don't have the money for a trial and error process to finding juices I like.

And @Fit_Freakz.  If looking through pictures of these girls doesn't get your butt working out, I don't know what will!  These results ARE attainable!  They will not be easy, they will be really hard, but you can make it happen and you have to tell yourself that EVERY single day!!!

Basically, just do this and search tags (like fitness, workout, weightloss, etc):

We can help you find your Facebook friends and phone contacts already on Instagram:
  1. Go to your profile and tap  (Android) or  (iPhone) in the upper-right corner
  2. Tap Find Friends (Android) or Find & Invite Friends (iPhone)
  3. Choose whether you want to find friends from Facebook or your contact list
  4. Tap Follow next to people whose photos you want to see in your stream
You can also tap the  Explore tab at the bottom of your app to see some of the most interesting recent photos from around the Instagram community. Use the search bar at the top of the Explore tab to find your friends by name or username, or search through Instagram tags to find users sharing photos you're interested in. For example, if you like to knit, you may want to connect with other knitters by searching for the tag "knitting" and browsing the knitting photos users have shared.

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

Holy Smokes!  I found this picture today, and created a little collage on Instagram.  I love the side by side.  I can really see that there have been some pretty significant changes!  I'm down 13 pounds since the photo on the left was taken.  I weighed 174.8 lbs on January 1st, and the picture on the right I weighed 162 on April 3rd.  Almost 3 months to the day, and I've only been hitting it hard since March 8th!  I can't WAIT to see where I'm at on May 1st!  And then again on May 10th when I head back to visit friends I haven't seen in a few years!  Here I come 140!!!  It is going to feel so good!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 5, 2013


Most important first...Morgan is joining the blog!!  Woo-hoo!  I'm so excited for this!  She has made a real lifestyle change, and is reaping the benefits!  I can't wait to read some of her posts and draw some real inspiration from them.

Ok, now on to the recipes!

That buffalo cauliflower?  FORGET about it!!!  It was really tasty, but holy moly there is an INCREDIBLE amount of sodium in it.  This is definitely something you could indulge in once in a while (like once every 2-6 months), but just know that you're entire DAY'S amount of sodium is in a one cup serving!  Jeez Louise, that's is way too much any time, but especially if you're trying to lose weight.

The meatloaf?  Amazeballs!  I accidentally left out the parsley, but I think it might be necessary to dry it up a little more.  When I made it we used ALL ground turkey.  It was super dense, so only small slices were needed to create a filling meal.  I ended up getting quite a few more meals out of it for a total of 8 servings, but James' servings were like twice the size of mine, so I could have really gotten 12 servings out of it by myself.  I love it, and I will definitely be making it again!

And, of course, that "Pasta" dish is ok.  I made that one all on my own.  Stays within the confines of the first Cycle on the 17-Day Diet, is filling, low in calories, and high in protein, with only natural carbs from the cauliflower.  Delish!

Cutting out Carbs!

Ok, so I just weighed myself this morning. I'm at 162. That puts me down like 13 pounds since I started the diet 29 days ago.  Not too bad, but, unfortunately, that's only a 3 pound loss for this 2nd Cycle. My body just doesn't metabolize carbs, dammit! So, I had added in some quinoa and stuff like that, but it's just not going to work for me. I will definitely add carbs back into my life when I'm maintaining, but for now...not going to work. I've still got 45 pounds I want to lose, and 3 pounds every 2 weeks just isn't going to cut it. I want to be in shorts and tank tops this Summer, I want to go hiking, and swimming, and rafting, learning how to rock climb, etc.  There are so many outdoor activities that I want to be a part of, but I'm SO self-conscious about my body and my fitness level, that right now, I'm just not comfortable trying them.  I have also decided that my new goal is to tackle The Incline on Labor Day Weekend.  I know Morgan and I had discussed a possible trip out here for her and Nick on that weekend...maybe we can do it together if that trip does work out??  I'm so glad that Morgan posted Facebook about her weight loss a few weeks ago because we've been talking and she has REALLY been holding me accountable.  I let her know when I should be done with my workout, and if I legit feel awful if she texts me and I haven't done it yet!!  Definitely found my motivation within her, and it feels good.  I'm excited about getting down to business and feeling good and like I can tackle ANYTHING!!!

Starting weight as of 4/8 (start of the diet): 174.8
Current weight: 162
Goal to Hit by 5/10: 140-145
Pounds to go: 17-22!

I can do this.  I WILL do this.  =D